He Makes All Things Possible

  Every day, we face challenges. Some road blocks are easily side-stepped, while others appear as mountains; unmovable objects blocking the path of progress. We can’t defeat every challenge singlehandedly, in our own humanity. In the parable of the rich young man, Jesus explained (to his disciples) how hard it is to enter the kingdom of heaven. He described it as being more difficult than passing a camel through the eye of a needle; a physically impossible task. And that’s just how some of our life challenges present themselves. “On my own, there is no way I can conquer this,” we say.

  It’s a good thing we have a heavenly father to go to bat for us. Jesus said, in Mark 10:27 (ESV), “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.” Personally, I find it comforting to know that I can’t solve everything on my own, but God knows my needs, and intervenes as He sees fit. Knowing God can actually accomplish anything…anything…increases my faith.

  Your vehicle needs repair; your spouse needs prayer; you have to deal with an unruly coworker; bills are overdue; you’re dealing with depression; whatever the case may be, trust that God makes all things possible, friend. The world teaches us to face our problems on our own and to accept one’s fate. But God teaches believers to come to Him, with our heavy burdens and impossible situations. How’s your faith level today? God makes all things possible.

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